Nemuri no Fuchi 04


We’re back with Nemuri no Fuchi ch.04. Yeah! the hype is getting real here, as well as its horror vibe… *grins*

Anyway, enjoy your read and Happy reading!

Nemuri no Fuchi 03

nemuri-01-kodanshaHello, it’s been a while!

I’m having quite a busy month. But nevertheless, enjoy another chapter of Nemuri no Fuchi we’ve brought you today. Happy reading!

Another Lazy Week Release 06/04/2015

‚ʁ`‚ׁ`31_001nemuri-01-kodanshaI think I’m being infected by some laziness virus, so I’m kinda experiencing some downhill phase right now… I guess we’ll go back into sporadic release like before rather than a weekly release. Suits my inconsistent mood better… >.< Anyway, enjoy another chapter we’ve brought you. Happy reading and have a pleasant Monster Day Monday! 😉

Weekend Release 20/03/15

Uchi_no_Maou_Ch01-03cover nemuri-01-kodansha !05-昞巻001(RR) é-ü`é+ü`30_001

Heyoo, again!

I’m here to deliver new chapters again for you! This week we have two new series. First, we present Ningen Kyouki Katsuo (for Frow, here’s your request!). Secondly, we have another horror series titled Nemuri no Fuchi (literally translates as Sleeping Abyss). Hope you enjoy these new collection of ours.

Next on, we’re starting on volume 6 of Saijou no Meii (yeah, work’s going smoothly for this one). Hell Teacher Nube finally reach its end for volume 30. Next week, we’ll be working on the last volume (so excited!!). Last, but not least… I know Satan’s fans been curious of this chapter (since it’s hinted at last chapter’s end). Yeah, ‘lil sis’ love story. How will it go? Find out.

Then, I wish you all happy weekend and happy reading!

PS. Ah, there are some manga that needs raw purchase for us to continue. Therefore, we’ll be truly thankful if you guys could help lift a little burden of our raw purchase. All you need to do is to donate here. Thanks in advance for your help!