2nd Anniversary Release





Yaaayyy!! We’ve been running for 2 years now! Time fliessssss!!! Big applause to BCS!! *clap clap clap*

Looking back these past two years, our members have mostly changed. People come and go. I would like to give my greatest thanks to those who have stayed with us since the beginning : to AoiTenshi, who has been so kind to give lots of advises whenever I face any troubles ; to *misaki, who has been really helpful to cope with my broken English translation scripts ; to Sergeant Popeye, who has also been generous to lend a hand whenever I need help. Also to those joined in the middle of our journey: Dem, Natsu, Aine, SkazOff, and to our recently added members: Great thanks to you guys all!!

Also lastly, we never forget the support you readers have given to us. Thank you!! At last, enjoy your read, Happy Reading and Happy Anniversary to BCS!! *party*

Anniversary Release

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So… When I was about to release manga yesterday, I noticed a flashing notification from my WordPress. When I clicked it to find out, it told me that it’s BCS’s wordpress anniversary. To be honest, I’ve even forgotten the exact date (kinda lame of me, actually). So I decided to make August as our anniversary month and our releases this time as the “Anniversary Release”. APPLAUSE for BCS!!! *clap clap clap*

Actually, BCS was a group I formed with a friend some time around 2012 but it stayed dormant without any active releases. That is until around this time of last year, AoiTenshi showed up as a savior angel! Thanks to him, BCS can keep running active until today. That’s why, I’m gonna give this year’s MVP to AoiTenshi. *applause*

Also, thanks to all other staffs that have helped throughout the year! Really, BCS can’t run until today without you guys!! m(-.-)m

At last, also thank you to all our readers that have been following our releases throughout this year! You guys are the source of our motivation! Thank you!

Finally, Happy Anniversary for BlastComic Scans, and Happy Reading to you all! 😀