Weekend Release 14/02/15

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Yo, It’s Shougei again!

I bet you guys have been wondering why we released so few last week. Yeah, lots of things happened and we just couldn’t finished all on time. B.U.T! This week we’re back into action PLUS we have some double release to make up for last week. Yeah, Hell Teacher Nube and Saijou no Meii comes double this week. And don’t jump over joy just yet. We’ve got another collection as well. I know Mongrel fans been itching for another update, so here we present you chapter 5 of Mongrel as well. Hehehe. What? Still not enough? Don’t worry, Revenge Game and Uchi no Maou Kamimasen yo are in the house as well. HAHAHAHA

Ng? Wondering why we’re so generous this week? Can’t you guess from our title this week? Yes, it’s Valentine Day! It’s the day for love and so we’re presenting our love for you our dear readers.  Plus,  hereby I’m also saying thanks to all my great team in BCS that has helped through  all this time. So, what are you waiting for? Go express your love and thanks to all your dear ones. But before, enjoy our collection this week and have a pleasant weekend + Valentine. Happy reading, Happy Valentine Day, and Happy Weekend!!

Ah, and it’s too much trouble to put all the links here, so just click on the thumbnails. It’ll direct you to each pages. (Thanks to AoiTenshi for the tips. Hahaha)

4 Replies to “Weekend Release 14/02/15”

  1. hahahahahhahahahaha OMG!!!! Uchi no Maou got me cracking up at work this morning!!! Thanking my lucky stars I’m the only one in the office! That MERMAID… PRICELESS!!! LMAO! Thanks again for another chapter release. (Still laughing). 😛

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