Nemuri no Fuchi 04


We’re back with Nemuri no Fuchi ch.04. Yeah! the hype is getting real here, as well as its horror vibe… *grins*

Anyway, enjoy your read and Happy reading!

Nemuri no Fuchi 03

nemuri-01-kodanshaHello, it’s been a while!

I’m having quite a busy month. But nevertheless, enjoy another chapter of Nemuri no Fuchi we’ve brought you today. Happy reading!

Uchi no Maou Kamimasen yo 20

Uchi_no_Maou_Ch01-03Hello again, fellas!

So, AnpanMayo managed to finish another chapter of Uchi no Maou, so I thought I might as well release it now rather than waiting for another week. XD

Enjoy your read and happy reading!

Uchi no Maou Kamimasen yo 19

Uchi_no_Maou_Ch01-03Yo, Shougei’s back reporting in!

Phew, I finally managed to escape from Tanaka’s lazyness virus (or it seemed to be) and are here to release another chapter of Uchi no Maou. *so proud of myself…haha* We still have another project chapter coming along… Let’s hope I won’t be too lazy to do it again… LOL

Anyway, enjoy your read, happy reading and have a pleasant start of the week! 😉

New Series

51NkPW4pJrL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Uhmn, so…

We’ve got another new series, called Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge. It’s a comedy of a very lazy boy with his friends. Hope you enjoy it.

Happy reading.

PS. I’m feeling very lazy and sluggish right now… C-Could it be… that I’m… a-a-a-affected by Tanaka??!! OH, GOSH!! NOOOO!! *getting right back to work*